Welcome to our new and improved, better-than-ever website! We are SO excited about the new design, and hope that you love it, too!
We have some great features on the site, including our beloved archives, which have been absent from CyberLand for WAY too long. We sure love to glance through our old show albums and relive those memories, don't you? We're just over the moon to be able to share these special moments with you again.
This blog is a new endeavor, and we are looking forward to sharing so much with you! Whether it's telling a tale from rehearsal, giving you the latest news, or perhaps hearing from a director, an actor, or a crew member, we hope you will enjoy this window into our little community!
We're also happy to include our Google calendar directly on our home page. This will show any auditions, rehearsals, and performances at a month's glance as soon as they have been scheduled! Auditions for "The Odd Couple" have already been posted (August 7th and 8th, by the way), and our performance dates have already been added as well. The wonderful thing about this is that if you have a Google account, you can add this event to YOUR calendar, too, so you'll never miss a performance!
Something else to get excited about is DIRECT TICKET SALES! Yes, that's right! You'll be able to purchase tickets right here, on our own website. Our event dates are listed, but aren't quite live yet; we will be sure to announce when ticket sales are ready as soon as we can.
We hope you like what you see here! We'll experiment with other features from time to time, so come back to check on us! Comment below and let us know you've stopped by, or share the new site with a friend.
Thanks a million for your interest and support!
Hilary Lawson, Board of Directors
